Jimmy Kimmel has the best abusive United commercial made so far
Jimmy Kimmel makes a lot of sense here.
by Anil Polat | Apr 13, 2017 | Hailing Frequencies, Travel Sense | 2
Jimmy Kimmel makes a lot of sense here.
by Anil Polat | Apr 4, 2017 | Deals, Hailing Frequencies, Travel Sense | 0
It’s very rare that I take my eyes off my laptop but even more infrequently do I perch it on the side of the X-ray machine in airport security. A solid push from the tray table behind it and my 15-inch Macbook Pro fell a good 1.25 meters (4 feet) off the edge on to a hard floor. Aside from the slightest rub mark, my MBP survived in very good shape. Had my MBP been naked, I’m sure the physical damage would have been much more severe, even potentially life threatening. I avoided the repair shop (an even bigger hassle when you’re traveling) and can’t recommend the Incase highly enough. You never know when your laptop might take an unintended drop – surely a good case softens the impact.
They’re only $19.99, very durable (lasting years) and might help your laptop last just as long.
Incase 08 Neoprene Sleeve, Black
by Anil Polat | Mar 23, 2017 | Nomad Musings, Travel Sense | 0
Stay positive, stay positive, stay positive, aaaaand nope.
[Via reddit]
by Anil Polat | Mar 9, 2017 | Clips, Travel Sense | 0
For the U.S. president, there is no such thing as a quick, easy trip as this video breaks down. Or an inexpensive one – it’s estimated every trip from Washington D.C. to Mar-a-Lago in Florida taken by President Trump costs 3 million tax dollars, not to mention numerous indirect costs.
by Anil Polat | Feb 28, 2017 | Numbers, Travel Sense | 0
Because remember, all maps are lying to you. Visit The True Size to play around and see how big (or small) your country really is.
by Anil Polat | Dec 5, 2016 | Travel Sense | 0
I wonder if he or she got the password?