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Children get 3 months off a year, and arguably the best 3 months to have off in most developed countries. It can’t be that hard to coordinate a trip given those circumstances right?
Should skipping school for family vacation be illegal? Parents, teachers debate (Via Today)
We take our son out of school for a week or more every year for family travel. We go on a summer vacation and a winter vacation every year. He is a 7th grader this year and we are going to Panama. Last year we went to South Korea. Can you tell me he would learn more from the classroom than experiencing carnival in Panama, hiking in the rainforest or snorkeling in the Pearl Islands? Is there a more educational scenario than visiting the most heavily guarded border in the world and learning about North Koreans and the Korean war? Can you experience different cultures in a classroom? I am a huge advocate for education (I have an MBA!) and honestly think there is nothing more important. But I also am an advocate for travel, experiencing as many things as possible, understanding people’s differences, learning from others, being grateful for what you have, and breaking down prejudices and misconceptions. There are certain times of year that are better for traveling to certain areas (prices, weather, etc all play a role) and sometimes that requires missing school. I do not think for one second that my child’s education will be hindered because he misses a week of school every winter for travels. Who ever thinks that he is better off sitting in the classroom than a week traveling clearly needs to spend some time traveling and open their eyes!
That’s very interesting and I think a balance can be struck, it seems you may have found one 🙂 By the way, I’ve got a question for you related to homeschooling, mind if I send you an email?
Sure, you can email me but I should let you know that I don’t homeschool.
Ah yes, I phrased my question poorly. I’ll send you an email soon, thanks again!