Raki in Turkey is not just a drink, it’s an event 500 years in the making Posted by Anil Polat | Dec 6, 2014 | Clips | 2 ShareTweetPin The scent brings me back every time, is it too early to be thirsty?
Mo Carlson on December 6, 2014 at 16:41 Merhaba! Rakı is nectar! 🙂 We love it. We lived for 2 years in İzmir and loved every minute of it. We still drink Rakı when we can find it. Şerefe! Reply
Anil Polat on December 8, 2014 at 05:51 Merhaba Mo and şerefe to you too wherever you are in the world 🙂 Reply
Merhaba! Rakı is nectar! 🙂 We love it. We lived for 2 years in İzmir and loved every minute of it. We still drink Rakı when we can find it. Şerefe!
Merhaba Mo and şerefe to you too wherever you are in the world 🙂